Slovenia podcast- Our first big production was a podcast interviewing Slovenian students who were on a school trip. For this production, we used an identical set-up to our previous podcast attempt, but with an extra person on the table. We had 2 presenters and they interviewed 2 Slovenian students. We did a lot more research and preparation beforehand for this production, including finding out about Slovenia, and coming up with an in depth running order and script, so that the podcast could stay on track. The script included general information about Slovenia and how it was different to England, as well as similarities in culture, food, sports and much more. The production turned out great, and the Slovenians we interviewed were good participants. The lighting, visuals and content were all top notch and we were all proud of the production, and we thought that after the initial failed podcast, this was a huge step up. One thing that went wrong this time was that the audio microphones were not working properly, meaning that we had to share audio between 2 lavalier mics. This meant that the audio was very scuffed for a few reasons. First of all, one of our presenters was very loud, whereas the Slovenians were a bit nervous and so were quieter. We changed this a bit in post production, but it was still not perfect. Also the lavalier mics were not as good as the other microphones we planned to use, so we were disappointed. This highlighted to us that we needed to check equipment before starting, as well as having quality backups to scenarios that could go wrong. Overall I think that the production was a success, with great visuals achieved and the content created respectable. The audio would be fixed next time, as well as possibly creating a longer script.
