Originating in 2016, within a sweaty computer science classroom, Sammy and Stirling were taking the piss out of our beloved hero Mr Gavin. From this tomfoolery, the name Ravin' Gavin somehow came into fruition. Not remembering the exact meaning, it is a name that has stuck with us since school and we know it sounds stupid but allow it famalam.
We are a group of highly-skilled elite gamers with a passion for video making. Unfortunately mixed in with this desire is the efficiency of a sloth and the decision making skills of a toddler. This might be because we are from Somerset, England, or because we are millenial snowflakes, am I right fellow boomers? Either way, we aim to provide high quality videos in a multitude of genres, from gaming to skits and everything in between.
Enjoy navigating our gnarly website, and check out our various Youtube, Twitch and other Social media links! Rock on boiz.