For our next project, we will be creating a short 5 minute horror movie. In preparation, we have been looking at the different concepts and theories we can apply to our horror movies to make them scary, tense and mysterious. First of all, instead of showing the audience what is scary, you can plant small ideas in their heads, which lets the audience develop the concepts in their own head. Thoughts can grow out of hand, especially when stimulated by the unknown or something scary. The main concpet for fright in horror movies comes from the unknown or supernatural, having malicious intent. This can be in the form of torturing the main characters, through slow build up to make them and the audience more and more scared. Low lighting is used in horrors to restrict vision so the character and audience don't know what is in their surroundings, as well as the use of shadows to preshadow near future events. The sense of being alone and useless is also a major component. There is usually one main character by themselves, to show loneliness, and also you are most vulnerable by yourself. Sharp and sudden noises are used as jumpscares or to alert the audience of supernatural behaviour, and long drawn out crescendo sounds are used to build up tension before an event suchas fright or death. Monsters and aliens are also used in horror movies, as they are mythical and unknown, which can be scary.
