My next client was Auto Sleeper Legend, an alternative folk band based in Somerset. Their music is very different to other music, and it has its' own unique style. They presented us with 3 songs to begin with, as they didn't know what song they wanted the music video for and I created storyboards for each of them. We then met up with the band and showcased our visions for each song. The band enjoyed all of the storyboards, and they took all of them, and they would decide on what song they wanted to continue with. The bands eliminated one of the songs, and me and Gabby, who I was working on the music videos with, both created in-depth storyboards for one song. I had a song called Minkii, which I though we could base on a friday 13th type scenario, with a monster killing people whilst camping. The song itself isn't a scary/ dark song, but the band didn't have an in-depth story for the song, except it was about their old friend, but I interpreted Minkii as a monster. The day we were going to showcase the bands the in-depth storyboards was the day that the UK was put on lockdown due to COVID-19, so the project has been put on hold.
