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Buzz / Harambe / Timathious Baesington
Foley Machine
Grilled Moose knuckle
A distant cousin of Beetlejuice, Sir Timathious Baesington carries on the tradition of speaking in 'AWooWooWoo', a tongue created by Lord JoeysWorldTour. Tim is a mysterious chap with a tendancy to disappear for a year, as if he fell of the edge of the world. Many say that Tim travels the world during this time, on a pilgrimage to discover where Connor's hairline has wondered off to, as well as answering the age-old question of why his friends are fighting. Tim has the pop-off potential in games to carry any fight, but a lot of the time Tim can't play the game due to laughing too hard at Sammy attempting to play the game, Dan throwing abuse at teammates or Connor whinging over nothing. Arguably the best fashion sense in RG due to his dePop antics.